Ideal Career Coaching: For a Happier, Healthier Tomorrow erok.morse October 22, 2020

Ideal Career Coaching: For a Happier, Healthier Tomorrow

Ideal Career Coaching

Being unsatisfied with your career can be really exhausting for a person. According to a survey, an average person spends one-third of his life doing something he is not fond of. A career that does not provide mental satisfaction can be really depressing. However, the idea of job hunting can be frustrating for people to think about because of how time-consuming it is with no promise of a well-paying job for months.

In this era of cut-throat competition, we settle for something we don’t deserve and are not happy with. Ideal career coaching- a career counseling service in San Francisco helps you improve your resume and get your dream job within weeks! They work tirelessly and help you realize what’s best for you.

What do they do?
  • Alignment consultation

They provide a free 30 minutes alignment consultation. It is a crucial step towards a well-paying career. During this appointment the coach asks various questions regarding personal and professional goals, evaluate your resume, and decide which program is the best for you.

  • Sphere of Influence program

In this program, the coach helps you identify what exactly you want to pursue. A career coach helps you in developing your skills and how to promote them among your networks, which can increase your chances of landing your dream job. Ideal career coaching believes that referrals play a huge role but networking is equally important. They help you enter the hidden job market that can increase your chances of landing your favorite job.

  • Resume and LinkedIn revamp

In this day and age, when everything is one click away, so should be your resume. All the employers these days check LinkedIn profiles and assess the candidate before hiring. Your resume should be eye-catching and jaw-dropping to make a lasting impression so that the employer wants you to be on their team. In this revamp career coach San Francisco helps your resume be job targeted with ultimate formatting, which will make you stand out.

  • Work into passion program

In this program, the coach helps you in exploring different careers that match your passion. This program helps you in obtaining interviews in weeks instead of months so that you can stop worrying about living from paycheck to paycheck

  • Discover your career

In this program, the coach helps you in identifying the purpose of your career choice. They help you scout various career and salary options. This will bring you one step closer to landing the job of your choice.

  • Advance your career

This is the last step of the whole counseling process in which they help you get the position you deserve and be acknowledged for your work. They make you self sufficient so that you can apply for high paying jobs and refine your personality.

Ideal career counseling believes that when people uncover their true potential, they live a life with zero inhibitions. They never compromise with your needs and make you achieve what you deserve.